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Commercial uPVC Window costs

Commercial window installation
Commercial window installation

Not all business buildings are glossy skyscrapers, fitted with timelessly efficient windows. Just as with our personal homes, businesses will need to get their windows replaced.

For example, if you are working in an old Bauhaus-style building, you might notice that instead of double-glazing, you have two sliding panes of glass – an old alternative to a modern-day method.

While these might be charming features, they’re not very effective at keeping the building warm. Replacing your company’s windows will help you save energy and money on your central heating, and also keep your employees comfortable.

Cost-effective frames

The reason the UPVC is so favoured by companies is its cost-efficiency. UPVC is a secure, modern plastic that is used to frame windowpanes, and its extra benefit is that it’s not particularly expensive to manufacture.

It’s hard to say exactly how much new UPVC window frames will cost your company, as this depends on the size of your windows and the vast quantity you will need.

After all, many business buildings are designed nothing like residential homes, making it hard to estimate an exact cost. What you should know, however, is that UPVC trumps both aluminium and wood in terms of price.

uPVC Window Frames

Commercial properties will also usually house tempered glass, which is a strong and durable material. This type of glass is not only preferred for its strength on a personal level but also on a legal one.

It is around four times the strength of the glass used in residential homes, which makes it far more secure for companies who have expensive and previous equipment. One extra benefit is that it won’t smash into large dangerous shards if it does come to harm.

Instead, it disintegrates into smaller pieces which makes it far more harmless and much easier to dispose of.

Types of windows used

When it comes to the type of window used for commercial businesses it tends to refer to the way that the glass is treated. Unlike inside residential double glazing, the people inside commercial companies will spend extended periods of time next to the glass, exposed the sun’s harmful rays.

This is why they tend to have a tint on them (as you would in a car or any form of public transport) to keep harmful UVA and UVB rays from penetrating through the glass.

Here are the types of protection you might expect on business buildings:

Tinted: A standard tint carries out a number of functions for your business. It takes the glare off from the sun and reduces the amount of heat coming in from harsh sunlight. It will also give your employees some privacy.

High-performance tinted: you might think that this form of tint blocks out even more light, but interestingly it does something more counter-intuitive: it simultaneously blocks sunlight but allows more illumination on the inside. It also reduces the amount of heat absorbed.

Reflective coating: This carries out the above functions but through reflection instead of a dull tint. This mirror-style method of bouncing sunlight is particularly effective in sunny countries.

When it comes to fitting windows for your company, it’s important to bear in mind the type of glass that’s fitted as well as the frame. UPVC could save you plenty of money, and the tint could help keep your employees in comfort.