Commercial Window Cleaners

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Category: Double Glazing

Timber and Aluminium Windows

There are loads of different types of double glazing windows to choose between, with two of these being timber and aluminium.

Wood and timber double glazing frames are eco-friendly and sustainable. The eco-friendliness of these windows are increased if made from FSC certified wood. Aluminium is recyclable too, but also brings more strengths to the table.

The question is: which double glazing window is better?

Is a UPVC Window the best option?

windows being screwed into the frame

When browsing through new double-glazed window options, you will notice the UPVC is an incredibly popular choice for many. This material has been adapted and developed over the years.

It had a heyday in the 80s, but this type of plastic has since been adapted and engineered to last longer in terms of colour and longevity.

If you are considering installing UPVC windows in your home, you may want to know a little bit more about it before putting all of your eggs in one basket.